NTHEFASTLANE'S Top Recommended Automotive Items

Deal Of The Day:

50 MPH
77 MPH
31 MPH
28 MPH
15 MPH
32 MPH
40 MPH
Honda OBD2A/OBD2B Pinouts

1. Injector 4 Yellow
2. Injector 3 Blue
3. Injector 2 Blue
4. Injector 1 Brown
5. S02SHTC - (Second 02 Sensor Heater Control) Black/White
6. P02SHTC - (Primary 02 Sensor Heater Control) Black/White
7. ESOL E-EGR -(EGR Control Solenoid Valve) *(Civic ONLY) (Color ?)
8. VTS VTEC Solenoid Green/Yellow
9. LG1 - (Logic Ground) Brown/Black
10. PG1 - (Power Ground) Black
11. IGP1 Power Source Yellow/Black
12. IACV - (Idle Air Control Valve) Black/Blue
15. PCS - (Evap Purge Control Solenoid Valve) Red
16. FLR - (Fuel Pump Relay) (Civic Green/Yellow)(Integra Green/Blue)
17. ACC - (A/C Controller) Black/Red
18. MIL - (Malfunction Indicator Light) Green/Orange
19. ALTC - (Alternator Control) White/Green
20. ICM - (Ignition Control Module) Yellow/Green
22. LG2 - (Logic Ground) Brown/Black
23. PG2 - (Power Ground) Black
24. IGP2 - (Power Source) Yellow/Black
27. FANC - (Radiator Fan Control) Green
28. 2WBS - (Evap Bypass Solenoid Valve) Blue
29. VSV - (Evap Control Canister Vent Shut Valve) (Civic Light Green/White) (Integra Light Green)
30. SLU - (Brake Lock) "*A/T Civic ONLY" White/Red
31. Empty Slot
32. Empty Slot

1. CKF P - (CKF Sensor) P-side Blue/Red
2. CKF P - (CKF Sensor) P-side Blue
3. TDC P - (TDC Sensor) P-side Green
4. CYP P - (CYP Sensor) P-side Yellow
5. ACS - (A/C Switch Signal) Blue/Red
6. STS - (Starter Signal Switch) (Civic Blue/Orange) (Integra Blue/White)
7. SCS - (Service Check Signal) (Civic Brown) (Integra Brown/White)
8. K-Line - (OBD2 Scan Tool Signal) (Civic Main Relay Ground Black 1) (Integra Green/White)
9. TMA/FAS - (A/T TCM related) (Civic Grey) (Integra Yellow)
10. VBU - (Voltage Backup) White/Blue
11. CKF M - (CYP Ground) White/Red
12. CKP M - (CKP Ground) (Civic White) (Integra Blue/Yellow)
13. TDC M - (TDC Ground) (Civic Red) (Integra White/Blue)
14. CYP M - (CYP Ground) (Civic Black) (Integra White)
15. VTM - (VTEC Pressure Switch) Blue/Black
16. PSPSW - (Power Steering Switch Signal) Green
17. ALTF - (Alternator FR Signal) White/Red
18. VSS - (Vehicle Speed Sensor) (Civic Blue/White) (Integra Orange)
19. AT CHK - (Detects TCM Signal *(Integra ONLY) Blue
20. Empty Slot
21. BARO OUT - (Barometric Sensor Output) *(Integra ONLY) Light Green
22. Empty Slot
23. IP+ (HO2S Pump Cell) *(Civic ONLY) Black
24. IP VS - (HO2S Common) *(Civic ONLY) Red
25. VS+ - (VS Cell Voltage) *(Civic ONLY) White
26. Empty Slot
27. AFSA - (A/T TCM Related) *(Integra ONLY) Grey
28. AFSA - (A/T TCM Related) *(Integra ONLY) Green/Blue
29. ATP/NP/CLSW A/T Park + Neutral or Clutch Switch - (A/T Civic Green), (M/T Civic Red), (A/T Integra Green)
30. TMB - (A/T Related to TCM) *(Civic ONLY) Pink
31. Empty Slot

1. TPS - (Throttle Position Sensor) Red/Black
2. ECT - (Engine Coolant Temp Sensor) Red/White
3. MAP - (Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor) (Civic Red/Green) (Integra White/Yellow)
4. VCC1 - (Sensor Voltage for MAP) (Civic Yellow/Red) (Integra Yellow/White)
5. BKSW - (Brake Switch) Green/White
6. KS - (Knock Sensor) Red/Blue
7. PHO2S - (Primary Heated O2 Sensor 1) White
8. IAT - (Intake Air Temp) Red/Yellow
9. EGRL - (EGR Valve Lift Sensor) *(Civic ONLY) White/Black
10. VCC2 - (Sensor Voltage) Yellow/Blue
11. SG2 - (Sensor Ground) (Civic Green/Black) (Integra Green/Blue)
12. SG1 - (Sensor Ground) Green/White
13. SHO2/SG - (Secondary Heated O2 Sensor Ground) (D16Y7 Red/Yellow), (D16Y8 Green/Black), (Integra Orange/Blue)
14. SHO2S - (Secondary Heated O2 Sensor 2) (Civic White/Red) (Integra Blue/Red)
15. PTANK - (Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor) Light Green
16. EL (ELD - (Electric Load Detector) Green/Red

1. Empty Slot
2. Empty Slot
3. 2WBS - (EVAP Bypass Solenoid Valve) Blue
4. VSV - (EVAP Control Canister Vent Shut Valve) Light Green/White
5. CRS - (Cruise Control Signal) Blue/Green
6. PCS - EVAP Purge Control Solenoid Valve) Red/Yellow
7. ATPD - (A/T Gear Position Switch) Yellow
8. SO2SHTC - (Second O2 Sensor Heater Control) Black/White
9. ATPNP - (A/T Gear Position Switch) Light Green
10. SCS - (Service Check Signal) Brown
11. Empty Slot
12. Empty Slot
13. Empty Slot
14. D4IND - (A/T D4 Indicator) Green/Black
15. Empty Slot (Civic Plug) Integra FLR - (Fuel Pump Relay) Green/Yellow
16. Empty Slot (Integra Plug) Civic FLR - (Fuel Pump Relay) Green/Yellow
17. ACC - (A/C Clutch Relay) Black/Red
18. MIL - (Malfunction Indicator Light) Green/Orange
19. NEP - (Engine Speed Pulse) Blue
20. FANC - (Radiator Fan Control) Green
21. K-Line - (OBD2 Scan Tool Signal) Blue/Yellow
22. ATP L - (A/T Gear Position Switch) Blue
23. SHO2S - (Secondary Heated O2 Sensor 2) White/Red
24. STS - (Started Signal Switch) Green
25. Empty Slot
26. PSPSW - (Power Steering Power Switch Signal) Green
27. ACS - (A/C Switch Signal) Blue/Red
28. SLU - (A/T Brake Related) White/Red
29. P TANK - (Fuel Tank Pressure) Light Green
30. EL (ELD) - (Electrical Load Detector) Green/Red

1. IGP1 - (Power Source) Yellow/Black
2. PG1 - (Power Ground) Black
3. INJ2 - (Injector 2) Red
4. INJ3 - (Injector 3) Blue
5. INJ4 - (Injector 4) Yellow
6. IACVP - (IACV Position Side) *(Civic ONLY) Black/Blue
7. ES (ESOL) - (EGR Control Solenoid Valve) Red
8. LS - (HLC LSM) (CVT Transmission Related) Pink/Black
9. IGP2 - (Power Source) Yellow/Black
10. PG2 - (Power Ground) Black
11. INJ1 - (Injector 1) Black
12. VTS - (VTEC Solenoid) Green/Yellow
13. ICM - (Ignition Control Module) Yellow/Green
14. Empty Slot Green/Red
15. IACVN - (IACV Negative Side) *(Civic ONLY) Orange
16. IAB - (Intake Air Bypass Control Solenoid Valve) *(GSR ONLY) "Color ? "
17. LS+HLC LSM - (A/T CVT Transmission Related) (D16Y7 Red) (D16Y5 Green/White
18. SC LSM - (CVT Transmission Related) Pink/Blue
19. Empty Slot
20. LG1 - (Logic Ground) Brown/Black
21. VBU - (Voltage Backup) White/Blue
22. LG2 - (Logic Ground) Brown/Black
23. IACV - (Idle Air Control Valve) Black/Blue
24. Empty Slot
25. SC LSP - (CVT Transmission Related) Yellow

1. PO2SHTC - (Primary O2 Sensor Heater Control) Black/White
2. ALTC - (Alternator Control) White/Green
3. KS - (Knock Sensor) Red/Blue
4. Empty Slot
5. ALTF - (Alternator FR Signal) White/Red
6. EGRL - (EGR Valve Lift Sensor) White/Black
7. SG1 - (Sensor Ground, Ground for MAP) Green/White
8. CKKP - (CKP Sensor P-side) Blue
9. CKPM - (CKP Sensor M-side) White
10. VTM - (VTEC Pressure Switch) Blue/Black
11. Empty Slot
12. Empty Slot
13. Empty Slot
14. Empty Slot
15. Empty Slot
16. PHO2S - (Primary Heated O2 Sensor 1) White
17. MAP - (Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor) Red/Green
18. SG2 - (Sensor Ground) Green/Black
19. VCC1 - (Sensor Voltage for MAP) Yellow/Red
20. TDCP - (TDC Sensor P-side) Green
21. TDCM - (TDC Sensor M-side) Red
22. CKFP - (CKF Sensor P-side) Blue/Red
23. VSS - (Vehicle Speed Sensor) Blue/White
24. Empty Slot
25. IAT - (Intake Air Temp) Red/Yellow
26. ECT - (Engine Coolant Temp Sensor) Red/White
27. TPS - (Throttle Position Sensor) Red/Black
28. VCC2 - (Sensor Voltage) Yellow/Blue
29. CYPP - (CYP Sensor P-side) Yellow
30. CYPM - (CYP Sensor M-side) Black
31. CKFM - (CKF Sensor M-side) White/Red
NTHEFASTLANE'S Top Recommended OBD2A/2B Performance Parts