NTHEFASTLANE'S Top Recommended Automotive Items

Deal Of The Day:

50 MPH
77 MPH
31 MPH
28 MPH
15 MPH
32 MPH
40 MPH
Honda OBD0/OBD1 Pinouts

1. Injector 1 Brown
2. Main Relay Ground Black 1
3. Injector 2 Red Red
4. Main Relay Ground Black 2
5. Injector 3 Light Blue
6. Purge Cut Off Solenoid Valve Green
7. Injector 4 Yellow 1
8. ------------------------
10. ------------------------
11. EAC/IACV - (Electronic Air Control/Idle Air Control Valve) Blue/Yellow
12. Main Relay Green/Black 2
13. Main Relay Injector Resistor Box Yellow/Black 2
14. Main Relay Green/Black 1
15. Main Relay Injector Resistor Box Yellow/Black 1
16. Ground Brown/Black
17. ------------------------
18. Ground Black/Red

1. Hazard Fuse White/Green
2. Fast Idle Control Valve Blue 1
3. A/C Clutch Relay Yellow
4. Crank Angle Sensor Orange
5. Alternator White/Yellow
6. Check Engine Warning Light Green/Orange
7. ------------------------
8. A/C Switch Blue/Red
9. ------------------------
10. Crank Angle Sensor Orange
11. ------------------------
12. Crank Angle Sensor White
13. Main Relay Blue/White
14. Alternator Blue 2
15. Igniter Unit White 1
16. Speed Sensor Yellow
17. Igniter Unit White 2
18. ------------------------
19. Electric Load Detector Green/Red
20. Ignition Timing Adjusting Connector Brown

1. Cylinder Position Sensor Blue/Green
2. Cylinder Position Sensor Blue/Yellow
3. TDC - (Top Dead Center Sensor) Orange/Blue
4. TDC - (Top Dead Center Sensor) White/Blue
5. TA Sensor - (Intake Air Temp Sensor) Red/Yellow
6. TW Sensor - (Thermal Water Sensor) Red/White 1
7. TPS - (Throttle Position Sensor) Red/Blue
8. ------------------------
9. PA Sensor - (Atmospheric Pressure Sensor) Red/White 2
10. Brake Switch Green/White 3
11. MAP Sensor White 1
12. PA Sensor/Ignition Timing Adjusting Connector/TA Sensor/TPS Sensor/TW Sensor Green/White 2
13. PA Sensor/TPS Sensor Yellow/White
14. MAP Sensor Green/White 1
15. MAP Sensor Yellow/Red
16. O2 Sensor - (Oxygen Sensor) White 3

1. Injector 1 Brown
2. Injector 4 Yellow
3. Injector 2 Red
4. VTS-VTEC Solenoid
Civic: Green/Yellow
Integra: Green/Blue
5. Injector 3 Light Blue
6. PO2SHTC - (Primary O2 Sensor Heating Element) Orange/White -- Civic VX D15Z1: HTCNTL (5 Wire O2)
7. FLR - (Fuel Pump Relay)
(Civic) Green/Yellow
(Integra) Green/Blue
8. ------------------------
9. IACV - ( Idle Air Control Valve Green/White
10. ------------------------
11. EGR - (Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve) Red or Orange/Blue
12. FANC - (Radiator Fan Control) Yellow/Green
13. MIL - (Malfunction Indicator Light) Green/Orange
14 ------------------------
15. ACC (A/C Compressor Clutch) Black/Red
16. ALTC - Alternator Control White/Green
17. IAB - (Intake Air Bypass Control Solenoid Valve) Integra GSR B18C Pink
18. TCM- (Transmission Control Module) (A/T Related) Empty Slot For 5-spd Civic/Integra
19. ICS - (Intake Control Solenoid) H22A White -- Empty Slot For Civic/Integra
20. PCS - (Evap Purge Control Solenoid Valve) Red
21. ICM - (Ignition Control Module) Red/Green
22. ICM - (Ignition Control Module) Red/Green "De-pin If Using OBD1 AEM EMS"
23. PG1 - (Power Ground) Black
24. PG2 - (Power Ground) Black
25. IGP2 - (12v Power Source) Yellow/Black
26. LG1 - (Logic Ground) Black/Red

1. IGP1 - (Power Ground) Yellow/Black
2. LG2 - (Logic Ground) Brown/Black
3. A/T Related Empty Slot For 5-spd Civic/Integra
4. A/T Related Empty Slot For 5-spd Civic/Integra
5. ACS - (A/C Switch Signal) Blue/Red
6. ------------------------
7. M/T Clutch Switch (Civic VX Only) Also Used For A/T Function
8. PSPSW - (Power Steering Power Switch Signal) Red/Green (Integra & Civic SI/EX)
9. STS - (Starter Signal Switch)
(Civic) Blue/White
(Integra) Blue/Red
10. VSS - (Vehicle Speed Sensor) Yellow/Blue .. Can Also Be Orange
11. CYP P - (CYP Sensor) (P Side Input) Orange
12. CYP M - CYP M - (CYP Ground) (M Side Signal) White
13. TDC P - (Top Dead Center Ground) (P Side Input) Orange/Blue
14. TDC M - (Top Dead Center Ground) (M Side Signal) White/Blue
15. CKP P - (Crank Position Ground) (P Side Input) Blue/Yellow
16. CKP M - (Crank Position Ground) Blue/Yellow

1. VBU - (Voltage Backup) White/Blue or White/Yellow
2. BKSW - (Brake Switch) Green/White
3. KS - (Knock Sensor) (Integra/Civic/DelSol) Integra: Red/Blue
Empty Slot For Civic CX/DX/EX/SI
Civic VX D15Z1: LAF Sensor (5 Wire O2)
4. SCS - (Service Check Signal)
(Civic) Brown
(Integra) Brown/White
5. ------------------------
6. VTPS/VTM - (VTEC Pressure Switch) Blue or Light Blue
7. TXD/RXD - (Diagnostic Data Link) Light Blue or Light Green/Red
8. Empty Slot Civic/Integra Except Civic VX D15z1: LAF Sensor (5 Wire O2) VS+
9. ALT FR - (Alternator FR Charge Signal) Pink or White/Red
10. ELD - (Electrical Load Detector) Green/Red or Green/Black
11. TPS - (Throttle Position Sensor) Light Green or Red/Black
12. EGRL - (EGR Valve Lift Sensor) Civic VX: White/Black "Empty Slot With Other Models"
13. ECT (Engine Coolant Temp Sensor) Red/White or Yellow/Blue
14. PHO2S - (Primary Heated O2 Sensor) White or White/Red
Civic D15B8: (1 Wire O2)
Civic VX D15Z1: LAF Sensor (5 Wire O2)
15. IAT - (Intake Air Temperature Sensor) Red/Yellow
16. Civic/Integra: Empty Slot
Civic VX D15Z1: LAF Sensor (5 Wire O2) IP-,VS- Blue/Green
17. MAP - (Map Sensor)
(Civic): White
(Integra): White/Blue
18. Interlock Control Unit (A/T Related)
Civic CX,VX Optional Up-Shift LT Pink/Green "Empty Slot With Other Models"
19. VCC1 - (Sensor Voltage For MAP)
(Civic): Yellow/Green
(Integra): Red/White
20. VCC2 - (Sensor Voltage For TPS)
21. Sensor Ground
(Civic): Green/Blue
(Integra): Blue/White
22. SG2 Sensor Ground Green/White
NTHEFASTLANE'S Top Recommended OBD0/OBD1 Performance Parts